4 New Paradigms about Drugs and Addiction

Though the chemicals in drugs and alcohol that manipulate and bake themselves into your brain are the initiator of your addiction, they are not the primary diet of your addiction. Your addiction is fed by the distress of finding your next fix. The distress of not...

Little-Known Facts that Will Help You Fight Your Addiction

Some aspects of addiction are little known, while others aren’t. Most importantly, here are 3 facts about addiction that are misconceived. The Causes of Addiction You may, like most, believe that an addicted person is someone who has a little too much to drink a...

Why haven’t sex addicts (and their partners) been told these facts?

It’s easy to put the blame where it doesn’t belong. Often, when a couple enters a therapy session, its often the case that one of the parties feels victimized, and helpless to solve the situation. Even the addicted one may feel that it is solely their responsibility...

The Science of Addiction and Its Conflicting Pleasures

Addiction is a disease. It usually begins as a teenager, or even a child. It’s very similar to other diseases; is blocks the regular, healthy systems of the related organs, resulting in serious, hazardous consequences. Diseases can be diagnosed and are treatable, but...

What Happens to Your Brain When You Use Drugs?

The human brain is complex. This three-pound organ computes when to breathe, what to think, what emotion to display, how to react to pain, and a billion other mini-and-not-so-mini reactions. The brain executes 4 functions: Regulates your body’s basic systems...